One thing I have been meaning to push out to my game is Unit Testing! With a game so heavily involved in its stats and systems it's very very easy to make mistakes.
Introducing tests to my RPG game's systems, especially for damage and equipment calculations. One pain point I had while setting this up was the actual testing integration itself.
I actually will admit that I tightly coupled many game systems together. What this means from a less techy perspective is that if I try to load the player for example, it needs data about items. So I try to load the item data too, and that data relies on an item attribute system. I load that which also includes monster attributes, so I have to load monster data too. That requires data about the world. The world needs data about entities and level data... So I now have to fake some map data to load everything.
Overall, I did not design with a modular design in mind for the game. Now this isn't necessarily a super ugly scenario to be in, but it takes time to revisit all the dependency chains that my systems require and setup the testing environment. A mistake I can now keep in mind for the future!
After going through all that, I have a proper testing environment where I now have confidence things will still work even as I keep typing away and developing the game!
Great! Well, not much else to share right now. Back to development work!