Be kind to one another, show respect. Don't be too overly political. If disagreements occur play it out civilly. There is no need to show hostility towards each other.
No discussion or posting of adult content, keep things appropriate and clean for a general public audience for all ages.
Minimize swearing and do not use racial slurs and offensive names.
Do not post or discuss topics about illegal matters. If you have to ask, it's probably not appropriate. Message one of the @Moderators or myself if you have any doubt about the posting of topics.
Moderators and Administrators have the rights to remove any content that is deemed offensive. It is also moderators' responsibility to review flagged posts and enforce any rule-breaking.
Do not excessively advertise or promote other communities that are not Adventures in Lestoria content. We understand that there may be creators and budding superstars out there, but there is a time and place for it.
Memes and fun are encouraged, just keep the discussions as on-topic as possible in each discussion thread. Use General Chat for most off-topic discussion.
And most importantly, have fun!